Gutenberg Images is the central database and repository for your image and media collections in teaching and research, provided by the University Library of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Gutenberg Images is available to all institutions, working and project groups and all members of JGU! More than 20 institutes in over 40 archive areas (pools) with around 600,000 data sets are currently using Gutenberg Images. From cataloging personal research archives and managing them individually to maintaining research data in scientific projects, Gutenberg Images is geared to the needs of a wide range of user groups from various disciplines — in particular image science. In addition to images, other formats such as videos, documents and audio files can also be managed in the system. Researchers who want to use Gutenberg Images as a working tool, e.g. for doctoral projects or to share images, can also benefit greatly from the various functions of the image database.
Features and functions
To meet the needs of different user profiles, Gutenberg Images, which is based on easyDB software, offers a variety of features and benefits:
- Provision of digital archive areas (pools)
- Differentiated entry and access rights
- Definable data fields and customizable masks
- Diverse search functions
- Support for standardized vocabularies and identifiers (e.g. GND, Geonames)
- List editing
- Data protection through routine backups
- Importing metadata in Excel/CSV format
- Convenient transfer of data to Word and PowerPoint via drag & drop
- Assignment of standardized rights notices and CC licenses
Gutenberg Images supports an open scientific culture by allowing approval for open access. The reusability of images and metadata, which is frequently required in third-party funded projects, can thus be ensured. Your material becomes more visible and can be cited in publications, for example. It is possible to release entire image collections as well as individual images and media.
The Shakespeare Illustration Archive Oppel - Hammerschmidt is a globally unique collection of around 3,500 digitized images of William Shakespeare's plays. In addition to paintings, drawings, woodcuts, steel and copperplate engravings, and etchings, it also contains actor portraits, character sketches, stage and costume designs, simultaneous concepts, comic depictions, and other image material.
The period of origin ranges from 1594 to 2000. Another 3,100 images have been published in printed form and are available for loan.
The Mainzer Studium Generale was founded in WS 1948/49 as an academic propaedeutic and has been open to all students since 1949/50. After the state provided funding for this for the first time in 1953/54, Studium Generale was able to significantly expand its offering with guest lectures and special events. The Studium Generale has precisely documented its numerous events and submitted the associated documents to the Mainz University Archives. This includes an almost complete collection of posters for all events since WS 1957/58. These posters are kept in their original form in the University Archives, gradually digitized and made available on Gutenberg Images. The posters up to WS 1983/1984 are currently available in Gutenberg Images.
If you would like to use Gutenberg Images for your image inventory, feel free to contact us. We support you with adjustments, data imports, application questions and the coordination of data entry.