In 2021, we celebrate 75 years of JGU—a heavy anthology pays tribute to the university’s rich history.

This anniversary publication was published in May 2021 under the title “75 JAHRE JOHANNES GUTENBERG-UNIVERSITÄT MAINZ – Universität in der demokratischen Gesellschaft” (“75 YEARS OF JOHANNES GUTENBERG UNIVERSITY MAINZ—University in the Democratic Society”) and combines more than fifty articles in a lavishly designed volume. In addition to more than 700 pages of text, it contains an extensive appendix with numerous graphics, tables, and registers. With this publication, JGU has fundamentally taken up the challenge of adequately recording and presenting its own history of the past seventy-five years in a “Festschrift”. It was initiated by the Research Network for University History (Forschungsverbund Universitätsgeschichte, FVUG) and the Mainz University Archives and financially supported by JGU’ Executive University Board. The project was coordinated by a team from the University Archives. The project’s scientific director was Professor Dr Michael Kißener.
The volume does not look at JGU’s history in isolation, but puts it in social, spatial, and political context. Therefore, it deals with topics which are essential for a modern university history and which take into account the current research discourse. These include the Nazi involvement of the first generation of professors, scandals and violence in JGU’s history, “relations with the East”, and matters of diversity and gender equality.
The volume can be obtained from bookshops and from the publisher’s webshop or as e-book.
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