Using all your senses. Science remixed

Using all your senses. Science remixed

This is where academic content comes to life. Exciting stories emerge from teaching and research projects through the creative combination of different media. REMIX is a digital showcase that offers insights into the diversity of scientific projects, positions and ideas on campus.

Campus voices

Lively discussions, well-founded positions

Career Exploder

Mastering extreme situations

Prof. Dr. Christine Walde
Career Exploder
Letting things happen with serenity
Prof. Dr. Nina Gallion
Career Exploder
There are no more fixed job profiles
Prof. Dr. Ines Weber


Insights and stories, straight to the ear

„Über die schreckliche Eis-fahrt": Das Rheinhochwasser 1784
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Clio auf die Ohren – S3E7 – „Über die schreckliche Eis-fahrt": Das Rheinhochwasser 1784
Historische Nachhaltigkeit: Mensch und Umwelt in der historischen Lehre
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Clio auf die Ohren S3E6 Historische Nachhaltigkeit: Mensch und Umwelt in der historischen Lehre
Gefährdete Gefährder – wie wir uns in Pandemien kategorisieren
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Sone Solche - E20 Gefährdete Gefährder – wie wir uns in Pandemien kategorisieren
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Do you have any ideas?

The university library supports students and faculty in the visualization and interactive implementation of their projects. Write us!