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Universitätsbibliothek Mainz

Special Conditions for Publication Fees

For authors from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and Mainz University Medical Center, there are special conditions for publication costs (APCs) for Open Access journals from the following providers:

JGU authors receive a 50% discount on the Open Access publication fees (APCs) listed by the publisher in all Bentham Science journals. The articles can be published as Gold Open Access.

The Mainz University Library will take part in the BMJ Journals Online consortium in 2023 and 2024. Members of Mainz University and Mainz University Medical Center can publish articles free of charge in the 26 journals of the BMJ Standard Collection (hybrid journals).

Due to JGU’s OA-Policy, we ask you to publish your articles under a CC BY license. More information about the submission process can be found at: Open Access agreements for Germany: information for authors.

Mainz University Library is participating in a Publish & Read agreement with Cambridge University Press via an Alliance license. It entitles authors at JGU and University Medical Center to publish unlimited and free of charge in a large number of hybrid CUP journals.

Please note that you must decide whether you want to publish Open Access free of charge at the latest after the article has been accepted. In line with JGU’s Open Access Policy, we deeply encourage you to make use of this option.

Until probably December 31, 2025, there exists an agreement with Copernicus Publications.
This license allows all members of JGU and University Medical Center to publish in 38 Gold Open Access journals from the Earth, Engineering, and Life Sciences. The list of titles can be found at Copernicus Publications – Journals A-Z.
The publication costs incurred for APCs up to €2,000 gross are financed directly from funds from the joint open access publication fund of the JGU and the University Medical Center. Up to €2,000 you will not receive an invoice from the publisher. A separate application to the publication fund is not required in these cases.
For higher APCs, you as an author must first pay the APC and then submit an application for funding to us.
The prerequisite for the costs to be covered is that the funding criteria of the publication fund are met.

Please note that we can only finance publications with a funding code from a third-party funding provider if you can confirm to us, upon short notice, that you do not have any third-party funding available to cover publication costs.

From 2023 to 2024, JGU authors can publish open access free of charge in the hybrid humanities, social sciences and economics journals at De Gruyter. In addition, there is a 20% discount on APCs for pure Open Access journals during the contract period.
For more information, see: Funding & Support | De Gruyter

From September 1, 2023, until December 31, 2028, the Johannes Gutenberg University, together with the Mainz University Medical Center, will participate in the transformation agreement with the publisher Elsevier.

Authors with affiliations to JGU or UM Mainz can publish in the publisher’s subscription journals (“hybrid journals”) under a CC-BY license. The decisive factor is the assignment as “Submitting Corresponding Author”. The authors do not incur any direct costs. The publication costs are financed by the university.

Gold OA Magazines: For JGU members, the costs of publications published in Elsevier's fully open access journals in 2023 and 2024 will be fully covered by the university library's publication fund. In the years 2025 - 2028, publications in Elsevier's fully open access journals will be funded by the University Library with at least €2,000, depending on the funds available.

Please note that in the DEAL agreement, Elsevier has restricted the use of the content not available in open access, particularly with regard to the use of AI-supported tools. Below are the relevant passages of the contract:

1.4 Restrictions on Use of Products

Except for open access content in the Products as identified in the individual journal article as stated in the applicable open access user (e.g. Creative Commons) license or as expressly stated in this Agreement or otherwise permitted in writing by Elsevier, the Participating Institution and its Authorized Users may not:

  • abridge, modify, translate or create any derivative work and/or service (including resulting from the use of artificial intelligence tools), based on the Products, except to the extent necessary to make them perceptible on a computer screen to Authorized Users.
  • remove, obscure or modify in any way any copyright notices, other notices or disclaimers as they appear in the Products.

If you, as a JGU author, submit an article to Frontiers with an APC of a maximum of €2,000 including taxes, the publication costs incurred will be billed directly to the University Library. Frontiers offers a 10% discount on publication costs for APCs, costing up to a maximum of €2,000, including taxes. For articles with a higher APC, the publication costs must be paid by the authors. After the article has been published, you can apply for proportional funding (maximum €2,000) from the publication fund.

All discounts for articles that cost more than €2,000 must be negotiated individually between the authors and Frontiers. In these cases, no additional institutional discounts will be offered by the provider.

The general requirement for reimbursement is that the funding criteria of the Publishing Fund are met and that funds are still available at the time the invoice is issued. If the publication fund is unable to cover the costs, you will receive a message and an invoice for the publication fee to be paid after submission, which you will then pay yourself.

Please note that we can only finance publications with a funding code from a third-party funding provider if you can confirm to us, upon short notice, that you do not have any third-party funding available to cover publication costs.

In 2023 and 2024, Mainz University Library will offer JGU members the opportunity to publish articles in all John Benjamin’s Open Access journals at no additional cost. Journal articles must be accepted in 2023 or 2024.

JGU is a member of MDPI. This gives authors a 10% discount on Article Processing Charges (APCs) in the Institutional Open Access Program.

Please note: funding for your publication from our publication fund is only possible if the journal in which you publish is listed in the DOAJ.

JGU is part of the PNAS consortium. JGU authors can choose between immediate Open Access or delayed Open Access to publish their articles.

The price for an article to be published immediately in Open Access is $4,975 for corresponding university authors (compared to the regular fee of $5,475). This price includes all fees, i.e. both page charges and the surcharge for immediate Open Access publishing and therefore represents the final price (for articles up to a length of 12 pages). Authors can freely choose between the CC BY-NC-ND or the CC BY license.

When authors choose the delayed Open Access option to publish their articles, the price is $2,575. All articles published through PNAS are automatically made available Open Access after six months. Again, the price of $2,575 includes all publishing fees (for articles up to 12 pages in length). With delayed Open Access, all articles are published under a CC BY-NC-ND license.

Please note: Unfortunately, no additional financial support can be provided through JGU’s Open Access Publishing Fund, as PNAS is not a purely Open Access journal.

From January 1, 2024, the Johannes Gutenberg University, together with the Mainz University Medical Center, will participate in the consortium agreement with the Royal Society of Chemistry. Authors from JGU and the University Medical Center can publish unlimitedly in all hybrid and gold OA journals of the Royal Society under a CC BY license in Open Access without paying an APC.

Submit your article for publication in an OA journal online via the Royal Society of Chemistry websites.

As a result of Mainz University’s participation in the GASCO consortium AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), the publisher grants JGU authors a 15% discount on APCs for the title “Science Advances”. Please pay attention to the Workflow (PDF). It represents the necessary procedure for calculating the APC discount, as this process is not automatic.

JGU is a member of the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics – German Universities: Scoap3-DH. JGU authors therefore have the opportunity to publish in various Open Access journals in the field of high-energy physics free of charge or at a discount on publication costs.

Mainz University has signed the DEAL agreement with Springer Nature (title list of journals, xlsx file).

Gold Open Access Publications:

If you, as an author from JGU or University Medical Center, submit an article to one of Springer Nature’s Gold Open Access journals, the publication costs incurred in 2024 will be financed from central funds from the university and settled by the University Library.
The special conditions described above apply to the article type “Research Article” (= Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication). APCs for the journals “Scientific Reports” and “Nature Communications” are also billed centrally.
In the years 2025 to 2028, the APCs of €2,000 will be passed on a pro rata basis.

Publications with Open Access option (hybrid publications):

The APCs for publications with an Open Access option (“Open Choice”) are initially paid for from central funds. Each article is funded with a maximum of €2,000. The remaining costs are be deducted from the respective departments’ state funds in the following year.
This applies to the following types of items:

  • Research Articles (= Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication)
    ATTENTION: The following applies to the specialist medical journals of Springer Medizin-Verlag listed in the DEAL journal list, as indicated in the DEAL journal list: Only research articles that are not requested as part of editorial programming and are actively edited are considered eligible articles.
  • Non-Research Articles (= Editorial Notes, Book Reviews, Letters, Reports)
    ATTENTION: For the specialist journals of Springer Medizin-Verlag listed in the DEAL journal list, as indicated in the DEAL journal list, non-research articles are not considered eligible articles (see title list).

Please be careful NOT to opt out for the Open Access option in the publishing process.

As an author, you will generally not be invoiced. Should you still receive an invoice, please contact

From September 1, 2024, until December 31, 2026, the Johannes Gutenberg University, together with the Mainz University Medical Center, will participate in the transformation agreement with the publisher Elsevier. JGU authors can publish open access in all Taylor & Francis Open Select Journals at no additional cost. No additional service fees are charged (e.g. color or page charges).

Important: For publications in Gold Open Access Journals from Taylor & Francis, JGU authors are subject to the normal APCs according to the publisher's price list. You can then submit a funding application to us. 

The publisher charges submission fees for the following titles, which must be paid by the author:

Acronym Title
RABR Accounting and Business Research
RAEC Applied Economics
RAEL Applied Economics Letters
RAAE Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics
MEEE Eastern European Economics
MREE Emerging Markets Finance & Trade
RQUF Quantitative Finance

Johannes Gutenberg University, together with the University Medical Center Mainz, has an agreement with Wiley as part of the DEAL contract (title list of journals, xlsx file).

Gold Open Access Publications:

If you, as an author from JGU, submit an article to one of Wiley’s Gold Open Access journals, the publication costs incurred in the year 2024 are financed by the joint Open Access Publication Fund of JGU and the University Medical Center. A separate application to the publication fund is not required in these cases. In the years 2025 to 2028, the APCs will be passed on pro rata to the respective departments in the amount of €2,000.

Publications with Open Access option (hybrid publications):

For publications with an Open Access option (“Online Open”), the publication costs for authors from JGU and the University Medical Center are billed centrally. The University Library covers up to €2,000 per hybrid article. Costs above this amount are billed in the following year by deducting them from the state funds in the departments.

Please be careful NOT to opt out for the Open Access option in the publishing process.

As an author, you will generally not be invoiced. Should you still receive an invoice, please contact

Important: The frequently charged colour and page charges are not part of the contract agreement and must be paid by the authors themselves. There is no possibility of funding from our publication fund.

Wiley has developed a free Journal-Finder that can help authors identify relevant journals and make submission decisions. With this tool you can search journals by keyword and filter the results by topic, subject area and Open Access status. This allows you to more easily find the journals relevant to your research.
In addition, the journal finder offers the option of directly comparing up to four journals and accessing important statistics such as acceptance rate, impact factor and more in order to gain a better understanding of the journals.


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Open Access: Publikationskosten, Fördermöglichkeiten
Open Access: Publikationskosten, Fördermöglichkeiten
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Susanne Janning
Susanne Janning