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Universitätsbibliothek Mainz

Honorary degree from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Academic honors always reflect the spirit of the time and are therefore relevant sources for university history.

The standards for awarding honorary degrees have changed significantly in recent decades. While in the post-war period a National Socialist past was not grounds for exclusion from an academic honor, today people look more critically at possible Nazi involvement. In addition, recent research may bring to light information about the involvement of honored individuals that was not known at the time of the award. The list of honorary degrees awarded by the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) therefore also includes honors that are only time-specific and can be understood from the respective historical context. JGU strives to critically review its history. This includes the transparent handling of historical honors.

According to legal opinion, honorary awards expire with the death of the honored personality. A withdrawal or revocation of the honor is therefore no longer possible posthumously.

Adam, Klaus Georg (born 1941).
Awarded in 2001 by Faculty 03 Law and Economics.
Chief executive of Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz (1990-2004), member of the JGU Board of Trustees, chairman of the association “Freunde der Universität Mainz”, and chairman of the Johannes Gutenberg University Foundation.

Adorf, Mario (born 1930).
Awarded by the Senate in 2010.
Actor, studied philosophy, psychology, criminology, literature, music history and theater arts at JGU from 1950 to 1953.

Akrofi, Clement Anderson (1901 – 1967).
Awarded in 1960 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Ghanaian ethnologist and linguist for Twi, Bible translator.

Albrecht, Jörn (born 1939).
Awarded in 2020 by Faculty 06 Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies. Linguist and translator.
Pioneer of German-language translation studies.

Altmeier, Peter (1899 – 1977).
Awarded in 1956 by the Faculty of Medicine.
Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate 1947-1969.

Anquín, Nimio de (1896 – 1979).
Awarded in 1950 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Argentinian thomistic philosopher and fascist politician who sought a theocentric fascism in close connection with the Catholic Church; leader of the Frente de Fuerzas Fascistas since 1935, which united with other groups in 1936 to form the Unión Nacional Fascista under his leadership; anti-Semite and admirer of Mussolini, Franco and Hitler, whom he described as a “true genius of our time.”

Auterhoff, Harry (1915 – 1983).
Awarded in 1982 by Faculty 20 Pharmacy.
Latvian chemist and pharmacist with a focus on alkaloids and anthraquinones; director of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Tübingen and president of the German Pharmaceutical Society.

Barner, Andreas (born 1953).
Awarded in 2009 by Faculty 04 University Medicine.
Physician and mathematician; proponent of Mainz as a scientific location; 2009-2016 chairman of management for Boehringer Ingelheim.

Barre, Raymond (1924 – 2007).
Awarded in 1985 by Faculty 03 Law and Economics.
French economist, Vice-President of the European Commission and Prime Minister in 1976 – 1981 and later Minister of Economy and Finance of France.

Bartenschlager, Ralf (born 1958).
Awarded in 2022 by University Medical Center Mainz.
Virologist, developed the basis for the therapy of hepatitis C virus infection.

Baumann, Kurt (1909 – 1983).
Awarded in 1959 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Senior student council from Speyer, Palatinate historian.

Baumgardner, James E. (born 1955).
Awarded in 2009 by Faculty 04 University Medicine.
American physician, member of the DFG Radiology/Anesthesiology Research Group in Mainz.

Bayer, Otto (1902 – 1982).
Awarded in 1964 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Chemist, head of the research department at Bayer AG.

Beier, Ulli (1922 – 2011).
Awarded in 1979 by Faculty 12 Social Sciences.
Writer and linguist, mediator of literature in Nigeria and Papua New Guinea.

Bergmann, Richard (1890 – 1972).
Awarded in 1958 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Member of the High Consistory and Head of Personnel of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate.

Bernhard, Günter (1926 - 2014).
Awarded in 1999 by Faculty 26 Pharmacy.
Austrian sports scientist, head of the Faculty of Sports Science at the University of Graz; made contributions to the development of the theory and practice of athletics.

Berven, Elis (1885 – 1966).
Awarded in 1958 by the Faculty of Medicine.
Swedish radiologist, developed interventional radiotherapy (brachytherapy) for treatment of cancer.

Boden, Wilhelm (1890 – 1961).
Awarded in 1960 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Honorary Senator of JGU, Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate 1946-47.

Boehringer, Ernst (1897 – 1965).
Awarded in 1953 by the Faculty of Medicine.
Industrialist, part of the Boehringer Ingelheim management team, promoted the internationalization of the family business; Boehringer was a member of the NSDAP.

Bolte, Adolph (1901 – 1974).
Awarded in 1960 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Catholic theologian, bishop of Fulda, led the reconstruction of the cathedral in Fulda.

Boulongne, Yves Pierre (1921 – 2001).
Awarded in 2000 by Faculty 26 Sport.
French Olympic researcher, holder of the European Professorship in Mainz 1996, contributed to deepening Franco-German friendship in the field of sports science.

Brockhaus, Hans (1888 – 1965).
Awarded in 1956 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Publisher, co-owner of the lexicon publishing house F.A. Brockhaus, sponsor of JGU.

Brossel, Jean (1918 – 2003).
Awarded in 1990 by Faculty 18 Physics.
French nuclear physicist and quantum optician.

Burn, Joshua Harold (1892 – 1981).
Awarded in 1964 by the Faculty of Medicine.
Critical pharmacologist, director of the Pharmacological Laboratory of the Pharmaceutical Society, carried out fundamental research on the vegetative nervous system.

Butor, Michel (1926 – 2016).
Awarded in 1985 by Faculty 15 Philology III.
French writer, literary scholar and translator, visiting professor at JGU in the fall semester 1982/83, important exponent of the Nouveau Roman.

Cassin, René Samuel (1887 – 1976).
Awarded in 1963 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
French lawyer and diplomat, author of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, President of the European Court of Human Rights 1965-1968, Nobel Peace Prize winner 1968.

Cazal, Pierre (1917 - 2007).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 08 Conservative Medicine.
French doctor, director of the Hematology Institute and the regional transfusion center in Montpellier.

Cobb, John (born 1925).
Awarded in 1968 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Methodist theologian, Fulbright professor at JGU in the fall semester 1965/1966.

Dahmer, Georg (1879 – 1954).
Awarded in 1953 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Chemist and paleontologist, services to fossil collection at the Geological Institute.

David, Johann Nepomuk (1895 – 1977).
Awarded in 1970 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Austrian composer, professor of theory and counterpoint at the State University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart; as a composer recognized by the National Socialists, he received the Gaukultur Prize of the Gaues Oberdonau of the NSDAP in 1941 and was appointed acting rector of the State University of Music in Leipzig in 1942; in 1982 it became known that he had composed a motet “Hero's Praise” in Adolf Hitler's words.

Debye, Peter Joseph William (1884 – 1966).
Awarded in 1959 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Dutch physicist and chemist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1936. As chairman of the German Physical Society (DPG), Debye called on the remaining Jewish members to resign in 1938. Following a debate about Debye's Nazi past sparked by a publication in 2006, various institutes and awards named after Debye were renamed in the Netherlands. A historic commission that investigated the case spoke out in 2008 in favor of reversing the renaming.

Declerck, Leo (1938 – 2021).
Awarded in 2013 by Faculty 01 Protestant Theology.
Belgian priest and historian, vicar general of the diocese of Bruges, achievements in researching the Second Vatican Council.

Dell, August (1890 – 1979).
Awarded in 1954 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, director of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Herborn 1953 – 1959.

Dirichs, Ferdinand (1894 – 1948).
Awarded in 1947 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Catholic theologian, bishop of Limburg 1947 – 1948.

Djerassi, Carl (1923 – 2015).
Awarded in 2014 by Faculty 04 University Medical Center.
Bulgarian-American-Austrian chemist, inventor of the contraceptive pill.

Dombrowski, Erich (1882 – 1972).
Awarded in 1957 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Journalist and writer, co-founder of the Neuer Mainzer Anzeiger, the Allgemeine Zeitung and the FAZ.

Duncan, Ruth (born ?).
Awarded in 2010 by Faculty 09 Chemistry, Pharmacy and Earth Sciences.
British pharmacologist, Professor of Cell Biology and Drug Delivery at the Welsh School of Pharmacy in Cardiff.

Dupuy, René Jean (1918 – 1997).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 03 Law and Economics.
French lawyer, Secretary General of the Hague Academy of International Law (1966 - 1984).

Ebel, Basilius OSB (1896 – 1968).
Awarded in 1947 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Benedictine, abbot of Maria Laach 1946-1966.

Eck, Siegfried (1942 – 2005).
Awarded in 2002 by Faculty 21 Physics.
Ornithologist, curator of the bird and mammal collections of the State Museum of Zoology in Dresden.

Edwards, Sir Samuel Frederick (1928 – 2015).
Awarded in 2002 by Faculty 17 Mathematics.
British physicist, together with Masao Doi, developed the tube model for the mobility of polymers.

Ehrhardt, Helmut E. (1914 – 1997).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 03 Law and Economics.
Psychiatrist and coroner, head of the Institute for Forensic and Social Psychiatry in Marburg 1966 – 1982, contributions to international cooperation in the field of criminology; Ehrhardt was a member of the NSDAP and served as an expert at the hereditary health court; in 1961 he spoke out as an expert against compensation for forced sterilizations.

Eichenlaub, Otto (1898 – 1954).
Awarded in 1947 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Politician and journalist, Chief Government President of Hesse-Palatinate and the Palatinate from 1945 to 1947, member of the Advisory State Assembly of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Eichholz, Fritz (1902 – 1994).
Awarded in 1966 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Lawyer, chancellor and curator of JGU 1946 – 1967.

Enomiya-Lassalle, Hugo SJ (1898 – 1990).
Awarded in 1973 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Jesuit priest and Zen master, pioneer of understanding between Zen Buddhism and Christianity.

Fahlbusch, Helmut (born 1933).
Awarded in 2009 by Faculty 04 University Medicine.
Former Spokesman of Mainzer Schott AG, member of the supervisory board of the University Medical Center until 2009.

Ferrari, Jean (born 1931).
Awarded in 2003 by the Department of Philosophy, Faculty 11 Philosophy/Education.
Professor of philosophy at the University of Dijon, involvement in the Mainz-Dijon partnership.

Fischer, Balthasar (1912 – 2001).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Catholic theologian and liturgist, advisor to the Liturgical Commission of the German Bishops' Conference with significant influence on liturgical reforms.

Folz, Robert (1910 – 1996).
Awarded in 1979 by Faculty 16 History.
French historian, professor of Medieval History at the University of Dijon, corresponding member of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature.

Forell, Friedrich (1888 – 1968).
Awarded in 1948 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
German pastor, fled from the National Socialists and led the Protestant Refugee Aid in France 1938 – 1940, from 1944 member of the organizing committee of the Council for a Democratic Germany (CDG), founder of the Emergency Committee for German Protestantism.

François, Michel (1906 – 1981).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 16 History.
Historian and archivist, headed the Affaires des Beaux-Arts et culturelles department of the french military government in Baden-Baden (1945 – 1949), director of the Ecole des Chartes (1964 – 1976).

Friedlander, Gerhart (1916 – 2009).
Awarded in 1992 by Faculty 19 Chemistry and Pharmacy.
German-American chemist, employee of the Manhattan Project, researched the civil use of atomic energy; as a Humboldt Prize winner, he taught for several years at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry at JGU.

Führ, Fritz (1904 – 1963).
Awarded in 1962 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Evangelical pastor, 1956 – 1963 General Superintendent of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg and Vice President of the EKD Synod, member of the Confessing Church.

Gabba, Emilio (1927 – 2013).
Awarded in 1998 by Faculty 16 History.
Italian ancient historian, established a close cooperation with the Department of Ancient History at JGU, which resulted in a partnership with the University of Pavia.

Gál, Hans (1890 – 1987).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 16 History.
Austro-British musicologist and composer, director of the Mainz Conservatory 1929 – 1933.

Garcia González, Jesús (1935 - 2022).
Awarded in 2013 by the Faculty 01 Protestant Theology.
Mexican Catholic theologian, committed to church renewal in Latin America.

Geib, Karl (1883 – 1951).
Awarded in 1951 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Geologist and paleontologist, director of the local museum in Bad Kreuznach; Geib expressed his enthusiasm for National Socialism in several publications, which is why the French military government prevented the first attempt to award Geib an honorary doctorate in 1949.

Gilday, David L. (born 1940).
Awarded in 1989 by Faculty 04 Medicine.
Canadian radiologist, pioneer of pediatric nuclear medicine.

Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry (1926 –  2020).
Awarded by the Senate in 2006.
French politician, president of France 1974 – 1981.

Goes, Albrecht (1908 – 2000).
Awarded in 1974 by Faculty 02 Catholic Theology.
Protestant priest and writer, spoke out against the rearmament of the FRG.

Gottron, Adam (1889 – 1971).
Awarded in 1969 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Catholic priest and music historian with a focus on church music in Electoral Mainz, honorary citizen of the city of Mainz.

Grabendorff, Wolf (born 1940).
Awarded in 1999 by Faculty 12 Social Sciences.
Political scientist, director of the Instituto de Relaciones Europeo-Latinoamericanas in Madrid, contributed to German and international political science focused on Latin America.

Grillmeier, Alois SJ (1910 – 1998).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Catholic theologian and Jesuit, participant in the Second Vatican Council, disseminated the Council resolutions in Zambia and Malawi; he was appointed cardinal in 1994.

Groh, Günter (1933 – 1996).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 21 Biology.
Ornithologist, achievements in researching the bird life of the Palatinate.

Gülden, Josef CO (1907 - 1993).
Awarded in 1964 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Catholic theologian and journalist, services to Catholic journalism in the GDR.

Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich (born 1948).
Awarded in 2019 by Faculty 05 Philosophy and Philology.
German-American novelist, literary scholar and publicist, holder of the Chair of Comparative Literature at Stanford University until 2018.

Gutmann, Ludwig (born 1933).
Awarded in 1993 by Faculty 04 University Medical Center.
American neurologist, 1990 – 1993 President of the Medical Department at Mountainview Regional Rehabilitation Hospital in Morgantown, West Virginia, long-standing cooperation partner of Mainz University Medical Center.

Haenchen, Ernst (1894 – 1975).
Awarded in 1954 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, professor of systematic theology in Gießen and Münster; Haenchen was a member of the NSDAP.

Hallinger, Kassius OSB (1911 – 1991).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Catholic theologian, Benedictine and church historian with a focus on the monastic reforms of the High Middle Ages.

Hamel, Josef (1889 – 1962).
Awarded in 1960 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
French lawyer, professor of law at the University of Paris, co-director of the Annales of Economic Law.

Hammond, E. Cuyler (1912 – 1986).
Awarded in 1969 by the Faculty of Medicine.
American biologist, pioneer in researching the increased risk of lung cancer due to smoking.

Hein, Manfred Peter (born 1931).
Awarded in 2011 by Faculty 06 Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies.
Writer and translator (Finnish), cooperation partner of the Faculty of Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies.

Herbert, Karl (1907 – 1995).
Awarded in 1973 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, Deputy Church President of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau 1964 – 1972.

Hermans, Petrus Hendrik (1898 – 1979).
Awarded in 1963 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Dutch chemist, director of the Cellulose Research Institute in Utrecht.

Heß, Hans Erich (1904 – 1982).
Awarded in 1959 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, member of the High Consistory in Darmstadt 1950 – 1969, member of the Confessing Church.

Hinrichs, Carl (1900 – 1962).
Awarded in 1959 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Archivist and historian, professor of modern history at Freie Universität Berlin, Hinrichs was a member of the NSDAP and acted as a block leader (responsible for the political supervision of a neighborhood).

Hoboken, Anthony van (1887 – 1983).
Awarded in 1979 by Faculty 16 History.
Dutch musicologist, compiled the first comprehensive catalog of works of Joseph Haydn's compositions.

Hofstadter, Robert (1915 – 1990).
Awarded in 1984 by Faculty 18 Physics.
American physicist, Nobel Prize winner in 1961, helped set up the Institute for Nuclear Physics at JGU in the 1950s.

Huber, Christoph (born 1944).
Awarded in 2022 by University Medical Center Mainz.
Austrian immunologist, pioneer in the field of immunological cancer research, co-founder of BionTech.

Hulstaert, Gustaaf (1900 – 1990).
Awarded in 1972 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Belgian entomologist, Catholic pastor and missionary, researcher of the Lomongo dialects in Congo.

Hustvedt, Siri (born 1955).
Awarded in 2016 by Faculty 05 Philosophy and Philology.
American writer.

Isele, Hellmut Georg (1902 – 1987).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 03 Law and Economics.
Lawyer, professor of commercial law, business law, labor law and civil law at JGU, rector of the university from 1949 to 1951; Isele was a member of the SA and the NSDAP.

Jaguaribe, Hélio (1923 – 2018).
Awarded in 1983 by Faculty 12 Social Sciences.
Brazilian sociologist and political scientist with a focus on Latin American studies and analysis of international relations.

Jensch, Heinrich (1888 – 1956).
Awarded in 1953 by the Faculty of Medicine.
Pharmacist at Farbwerke Hoechst, achievements in the fields of pharmaceutical chemistry and drug synthesis.

Jung, Volker (born 1960).
Awarded in 2016 by Faculty 01 Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, Deputy Church President of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau 1964 – 1972.

Jüngst, Bodo-Knut (1935-2017).
Awarded in 2003 by Faculty 26 Sport.
Pediatrician and sports medicine specialist at JGU.

Käfer, Karl (1898 – 1999).
Awarded in 1958 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Austrian-Swiss business economist, outstanding representative of Swiss business administration.

Kallenbach, Hans (1907 – 1981).
Awarded in 1972 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Educator, founder and director of the Evangelical Academy in Hesse and Nassau; Kallenbach was a member of the NSDAP and worked in the oral language care department of the Cultural and Broadcasting Office of the Reich Youth Leadership.

Kazunori, Kataoka (born 1950).
Awarded in 2018 by Faculty 09 Chemistry, Pharmacy and Earth Sciences.
Japanese chemist, one of the most renowned polymer chemists, develops specific polymers for biomedical applications.

Kœnig, Pierre (1898 – 1970).
Awarded in 1949 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
French general, responsible for the founding of JGU while acting as military governor of the French occupation zone in Germany.

Köthe, Gottfried (1905 – 1989).
Awarded in 1981 by Faculty 17 Mathematics.
Mathematician, head of the JGU Mathematical Institute, Rector of the University from 1954 to 1956; Köthe was a member of the NSDAP.

Korneck, Dieter (1935 – 2017).
Awarded in 2002 by Faculty 21 Physics.
Self-taught botanist, was considered one of the best experts on the flora of the old federal states.

Krahe, Maria-Judith OSB (died 1994).
Awarded in 1984 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Catholic theologian and Benedictine, published important works on philosophy and theology.

Kraus, Emil (1893 – 1972).
Awarded in 1947 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Lord Mayor of the City of Mainz 1945 – 1949.

Krebs, Bernt (born 1938).
Awarded in 2006 by Faculty 09 Chemistry, Pharmacy and Earth Sciences.
Chemist, member of the Mainz Academy of Sciences.

Kreck, Walter (1908 – 2002).
Awarded in 1956 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, was involved in the Easter March movement, the peace movement and the antinuclear movement.

Kreitler, Hans (1916 – 1993).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 12 Social Sciences.
Austrian psychologist, outstanding representative of cognitive psychology.

Kurzke, Hermann (1943 - 2024).
Awarded in 2008 by the Faculty 01 Protestant Theology.
Literary scholar and Catholic theologian, professor of modern German literary history at JGU until his retirement.

Lankosz, Kazimierz (born 1948).
Awarded in 2005 by Faculty 03 Law and Economics.
Polish lawyer, scientific work in the area of international and European law.

Lassner, Jean (1913 – 2007).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 07 Clinical Institutes.
Austro-French physician and anesthetist, pioneer in anesthesia, visiting professor at JGU between 1976 and 1978.

Lazarus, Richard S. (1922 – 2002).
Awarded in 1988 by Faculty 12 Social Sciences.
American psychologist, leading advocate of the emotional theory of cognitive evaluation, developed a theory for coping with stress.

Leutwyler, Heinrich (born 1938).
Awarded in 1995 by Faculty 18 Physics.
Swiss theoretical physicist with a focus on elementary particle physics and quantum field theory.

Lindsley, Donald B. (1907 – 2003).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 12 Social Sciences.
American neurophysiologist, pioneer of experimental brain research.

Lohse, Eduard (1924 – 2015).
Awarded in 1961 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, professor of New Testament in Göttingen and regional bishop of the Hanoverian State Church, qualified as a professor at JGU in 1953.

Lokies, Hans (1895 – 1982).
Awarded in 1953 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, director of the Gossner Mission, initiated the founding of its branch in Mainz-Kastell and the professorship for mission studies at JGU.

Mark, Hermann F. (1895 – 1992).
Awarded in 1963 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Austrian-American physical chemist, co-founder of modern polymer science.

Marschalk, Charles Henri (1885 – 1968).
Awarded in 1956 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Swiss chemist, discoverer of the Marschalk reaction.

Marx, Gertie F. (1912 – 1994).
Awarded in 1986 by Faculty 04 Medicine.
German-American doctor, is considered the mother of obstetric anesthesiology.

Mayer, Manfred M. (1916 – 1984).
Awarded in 1969 by the Faculty of Medicine.
German-American microbiologist, founder of complement research.

McClelland, David C. (1917 – 1998).
Awarded in 1959 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
American behavioral and social psychologist, co-initiator of a joint psychological project between Mainz and Harvard.

Meißner, Walther (1882 – 1974).
Awarded in 1953 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Experimental physicist with a focus on low temperature research, professor at TU Munich, chairman of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences from 1946 to 1950.

Melief, Cornelis J. (born 1943).
Awarded in 2017 by Faculty 04 University Medical Center.
Dutch physician, pioneer in tumor immunology, member of the scientific advisory board of the Center for Tumor Diseases in Mainz.

Michel, Otto (1903 – 1993).
Awarded in 1949 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, professor of New Testament at the University of Tübingen, member of the Confessing Church; Michel was a member of the NSDAP and was a member of the SA from 1933 to 1936.

Molitor, Erich (1886 – 1963).
Awarded in 1956 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Lawyer, professor at JGU 1948 – 1954, president of the Rhineland-Palatinate Regional Labor Court, is regarded as the founder of modern labor law; Molitor stood up for Jewish colleagues, but nevertheless joined the NSDAP in 1941 and was a member of the NS Lawyers Association from 1934 to 1940.

Möller, Fritz (1906 – 1983).
Awarded in 1971 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Meteorologist, pioneer in radiation research and satellite meteorology, professor at JGU 1949 – 1960; Möller was a member of the NSDAP and was a member of the SA from 1933 to 1934.

Most, Otto (1881 – 1971).
Awarded in 1955 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Economist and politician, honorary professor at JGU from 1949 to 1958, president of the Central Association for German Inland Navigation; Most was a member of the NSDAP.

Mückenhausen, Eduard (1907 – 2005).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 22 Earth Sciences.
Leading German soil scientist with groundbreaking research on soil genetics and soil systematics.

Müller, Ernst (1900 – 1976).
Awarded in 1961 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Hölderlin researcher, editor and editor-in-chief of the Schwäbisches Tagblatt in Tübingen.

Natta, Giulio (1903 – 1979).
Awarded in 1963 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Italian chemist, received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1963 for findings on the polymerization of olefins.

Nikolaou, Lambis  (born 1935)
Awarded in 2004 by Faculty 26 Sport.
President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee 1985–1992 and 1997–2004.

Nobbe, Gerd (1944 – 2019).
Awarded in 2007 by Faculty 03 Law and Economics.
Lawyer, 1989 – 2009 judge at the Federal Court of Justice.

Nossal, Sir Gustav (born 1931).
Awarded in 1981 by Faculty 04 Medicine.
Austrian-Australian immunologist, director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and professor of medical biology at the University of Melbourne.

Nossol, Alfons (born 1932).
Awarded in 1992 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Polish-German Catholic theologian, bishop emeritus of Opole, contributions to German-Polish understanding, was a guest lecturer at JGU in 1977.

Opel, Georg von (1912 – 1971).
Awarded in 1952 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Automotive entrepreneur and sports official, German rowing champion and successful racing driver.

Oppenheim, Michel (1885 – 1963).
Awarded in 1955 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Head of Cultural Affairs in Mainz, co-founder of the Friends of Mainz University Association.

Orsós, Franz (Ferenc) (1879 – 1962).
Awarded in 1954 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Hungarian coroner, professor of artistic education at JGU 1947 – 1963; from 1937 Orsós was chairman of the Anti-Semitic National Organization of Hungarian Physicians (MONE), which forced Jewish doctors out of their profession and handed them over for deportation; in 1943 he was involved as an expert in the investigation of the Katyn massacre.

Oser, Friedrich (Fritz) (1937–2020).
Awarded in 1986 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Swiss educator and psychologist, developed a model for the development of religious judgment.

Perron, Oskar (1880 – 1975).
Awarded in 1960 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Mathematician, professor in Munich, was part of the Munich triumvirate of mathematics.

Pesch, Otto Hermann (1931 – 2014).
Awarded in 1992 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Catholic theologian and Luther researcher, services to ecumenism.

Peterlin, Anton (1908 – 1993).
Awarded in 1979 by Faculty 19 Chemistry.
Slovenian physicist with a focus on polymer physics, worked at JGU in 1957.

Pipberger, Hubert (1920 – 1993).
Awarded in 1982 by Faculty 04 Medicine.
Cardiologist, co-developer of the computer-based ECG.

Pirath, Carl (1884 – 1955).
Awarded in 1949 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Traffic scientist, founder and, for a time, director of the Transport Science Institute for Aviation at TH Stuttgart.

Pothmann, Alfred (1930 – 2002).
Awarded in 2002 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Catholic theologian, prelate and curator of the Essen Cathedral Treasure.

Preetorius, Emil (1883 – 1973).
Awarded in 1956 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Illustrator and graphic designer, president of the Munich Academy of Fine Arts from 1948 to 1968, born in Mainz.

Pruvost, Pierre (1890 – 1967). Awarded in 1962 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences. French geologist, specialist in French coal deposits.

Quandt, Herbert (1910 – 1982).
Awarded in 1957 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Industrialist, known for his successful restructuring of BMW AG; as director of Petrix AG, Quandt was responsible for employing forced laborers, including concentration camp prisoners; Quandt was a supporting member of the SS and a member of the NSDAP.

Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli (1888 – 1975).
Awarded in 1958 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Indian religious philosopher, president of the Republic of India from 1962 to 1967, pioneer of neo-Hinduism.

Rasmussen, Jørgen Nybo (born 1929).
Awarded in 2006 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Danish historian and archivist, studied from 1960 to 1964 at JGU, among others.

Rauch, André (born 1942).
Awarded in 2005 by Faculty 02 Social Sciences, Media and Sport.
Leading sports scientist in France.

Reatz, August (1889 – 1974).
Awarded in 1947 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Catholic theologian, the first elected rector of JGU, played a significant role in the rebuilding of the university.

Reich, Christa (born 1937).
Awarded in 1997 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Protestant theologian and church musician, professor of church music and hymnology at JGU.

Reitz, Edgar (born 1932).
Awarded in 2006 by Faculty 02 Social Sciences, Media and Sport.
Author and director (“Heimat“), professor of film at the State College of Design in Karlsruhe.

Reuß, Josef Maria (1906 – 1985).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Catholic theologian, from 1945 Regent of the Mainz seminary, from 1954 auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Mainz, participant in the Second Vatican Council.

Ritterspach, Theodor (1904 – 1999).
Awarded in 1986 by Faculty 03 Law and Economics.
Lawyer, federal constitutional judge from 1951 to 1975, was involved in several landmark decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court.

Robinson, James M. (1924 – 2016).
Awarded in 1971 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
American theologian, student of Karl Barth, research on the early Christian source of logic Q.

Roeske, Kurt (born 1933).
Awarded in 2018 by Faculty 07 History and Cultural Studies.
Classical philologist, long-time director of the Rabanus-Maurus Gymnasium, co-author of various Greek textbooks.

Röhricht, Wilhelm (1893 – 1959).
Awarded in 1948 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, director of the Hessian State Association for Internal Missions.

Safar, Peter (1924 – 2003).
Awarded in 1973 by Faculty 07 Clinical Institutes.
Austrian-American anesthetist, is known as the “father of cardiopulmonary resuscitation”.

Sakurada, Ichiro (1904 – 1986).
Awarded in 1967 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Japanese chemist, pioneer of polymer research.

Salmuth, Curt Freiherr von (1895 – 1981).
Awarded in 1957 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Industrialist (Röchling Group), board member of the Chemical Industry Association; von Salmuth was a member of the SA and the NSDAP, and in 1942 he was appointed honorary SA Sturmführer.

San Nicolò, Mariano (1887 – 1955).
Awarded in 1950 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
German-Italian legal historian, expert on the legal history of the Near East, professor at LMU Munich, corresponding member of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature; San Nicolò was a member of the NSDAP.

Schad, Christian (born 1958).
Awarded in 2019 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, church president of the Palatinate.

Schäfer, Hans (1906 – 2000).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 08 Conservative Medicine.
Physiologist and social medicine specialist, professor at Heidelberg University; Schäfer was a member of the NSDAP and the Medical SA.

Schaller, Theodor (1900 – 1993).
Awarded in 1952 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, member of the church leadership and from 1964 to 1969 church president of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate.

Schefzyk, Jürgen (born 1955).
Awarded in 2014 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, founding director and scientific director of the Bibelhaus Discovery Museum in Frankfurt, lecturer at JGU.

Scheible, Heinz (born 1931).
Awarded in 1994 by Faculty 02 Catholic Theology.
Protestant theologian and philologist, founder of the Melanchthon Research Center in Heidelberg.

Schlink, Edmund (1903 – 1984).
Awarded in 1948 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, leading member of the Confessing Church, EKD rapporteur at the Second Vatican Council, professor of systematic theology at Heidelberg University.

Schmid, Josef (1898 – 1978).
Awarded in 1947 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Geographer, founding rector of JGU.

Schmidt, Jakob (1871 – 1964).
Awarded in 1954 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Catholic church historian, professor at the Mainz seminary, is referred to as the “nestor of Mainz church history.”

Schmitt, Albert OSB (1894 – 1970).
Awarded in 1959 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Benedictine, founder and abbot of the new Grüssau Abbey in Bad Wimpfen after its expulsion from Silesia; Schmitt was in close contact with Franz von Papen and advocated a connection between Christianity and National Socialism.

Schmittlein, Raymond (1904 – 1974).
Awarded in 1947 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
French general and politician, head of the cultural and educational department of the French military government, founding father of Mainz University.

Schneider, Hans (1921 – 2017).
Awarded in 1997 by Faculty 16 History.
Antiquarian and music publisher, published significant sources of publishing and music history in his publishing house.

Schneider, Carl Edward (1890 – 1981).
Awarded in 1955 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
German-American theologian, taught at Eden Theological Seminary.

Schormann, Klaus (born 1946).
Awarded in 2005 by Faculty 02 Social Sciences, Media and Sport.
Sports official, President of the Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne (1984 – 2014).

Schott, Erich (1891 – 1989).
Awarded in 1953 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Industrialist, head of the Jenaer glassworks Schott & Gen., led the “Train of 41 Glassmakers” from Jena to Mainz in 1945 on orders from the US military government; Schott was a member of the NSDAP.

Schulte, Willi (1929 – 2008).
Awarded in 2004 by Faculty 04 University Medical Center.
Dentist, former director of the Polyclinic for Dental Surgery and Periodontology Tübingen, pioneer in dental implantology.

Schweizer, Eduard (1913 – 2006).
Awarded in 1949 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Swiss Protestant theologian, student of Karl Barth, professor of the New Testament in Mainz 1946 – 1949.

Schwemer, Ulrich (born 1944).
Awarded in 2014 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian and pastor, chairman of the Evangelical Church and Israel Working Group in Hesse-Nassau.

Seidel, Walter (1926 – 2010).
Awarded in 1996 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Catholic theologian, prelate, student minister in Mainz from 1957.

Sherlock, Dame Sheila (1918 – 2001).
Awarded in 1991 by Faculty 04 University Medical Center.
British physician, pioneer in the field of clinical and experimental hepatology.

Skubiszewski, Krzysztof (1926 – 2010).
Awarded in 1991 by Faculty 03 Law and Economics.
Polish lawyer and politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland from 1989 to 1993, Chairman of the Iranian-American Arbitration Court in The Hague, co-initiator of the German-Polish exchange of lawyers.

Smend, Friedrich (1893 – 1980).
Awarded in 1954 by the Faculty of Philosophy.
Protestant theologian, librarian and Bach researcher, member of the Brotherly Council of the Confessing Church in Berlin.

Smets, Georges (1915 – 1991).
Awarded in 1979 by Faculty 19 Chemistry.
Belgian chemist with a focus on polymer research, promoter of the exchange programs between the University of Louvain and JGU.

Späth, Franz OP (1914 – 2000).
Awarded in 1984 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Catholic theologian and Dominican, missionary in China and Taiwan.

Spengler, Helmut (born 1931).
Awarded in 1991 by Faculty 02 Catholic Theology.
Protestant theologian, Deputy Church President of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau 1985 – 1993.

Staab, Josef (1919 – 2009).
Awarded in 1987 by Faculty 22 Earth Sciences.
Certified farmer, historian and journalist, domain owner at Johannisberg Castle in the Rheingau from 1956 to 1980.

Stachorski, Stephan (born 1967).
Awarded in 2015 by Faculty 05 Philosophy and Philology.
Germanist, co-editor of the 54-volume Frankfurt edition of Thomas Mann's works.

Staudinger, Hermann (1881 – 1965).
Awarded in 1951 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Chemist, who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1953 for his polymer research, is considered the founder of macromolecular chemistry.

Steinbach, Manfred (born 1933)
Awarded in 2004 by Faculty 26 Sport.
Track and field athlete and sports official, professor of sports medicine at JGU.

Stoevesandt, Karl (1882 – 1977).
Awarded in 1952 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Physician and Protestant theologian, founder of the Confession of Bremen and member of the Confessional Synod.

Stohr, Albert (1890 – 1961).
Awarded in 1947 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Catholic theologian, bishop of Mainz from 1935, staunch opponent of National Socialism, promoted the restoration of Mainz University.

Stolte, Dieter (1934 - 2023).
Awarded in 1991 by Faculty 12 Social Sciences.
Journalist and television manager, director of ZDF from 1982 to 2002, was a member of the JGU Board of Trustees.

Tamez, Elsa (born 1951).
Awarded in 2019 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Mexican Presbyterian theologian, leading biblical scholar within liberation theology.

Timm, Bernhard (1909 – 1992).
Awarded in 1969 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Physicist and manager, CEO of BASF 1965 – 1974.

Todt, Adolf (1886 - before 1973).
Awarded in 1956 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Chairman of Kalle AG, Wiesbaden; namesake of the Adolf Todt Foundation at JGU, founded in 1973.

Trentz, Otmar (born 1942).
Awarded in 2007 by Faculty 04 University Medical Center.
Physician, Director of the Trauma Surgery Clinic at Zurich University Hospital, services to the recognition of the subject of trauma surgery in German-speaking countries.

Vallois, Henri-Victor (1889 – 1981).
Awarded in 1952 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
French anthropologist and paleontologist, director of the Musée de l'Homme in Paris; Vallois researched the division of people into “races” based on physical characteristics and blood types.

Vermeer, Hans J. (1930 – 2010).
Awarded in 2010 by Faculty 06 Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies.
Linguistic and translation scientist, founder of the Skopos Theory, professor at Faculty 23 Applied Linguistics in Germersheim 1970 –1983.

Waldenström, Jan Gösta (1906 – 1996).
Awarded in 1964 by the Faculty of Medicine.
Swedish internist, professor of internal medicine at Lund University 1949 — 1972.

Watson, Cecil James (1901 – 1983).
Awarded in 1961 by the Faculty of Medicine.
American physician and hepatologist, gained important insights into hemoglobin and its metabolic processes.

Weiher, Erhard (1941 - 2024).
Awarded in 2006 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Catholic theologian, hospital pastor at Mainz University Hospitals.

Weiler, Ingomar (1938 - 2023).
Awarded in 2007 by Faculty 02 Social Sciences, Media and Sport.
Austrian ancient historian with a focus on sports history, has worked with the Faculty of Sports and the Institute of Ancient History in Mainz since the 1980s.

Weissberger, Arnold (1898 – 1984).
Awarded in 1969 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
German-American chemist, head of color photography research laboratories at Eastman Kodak, New York.

Wessely, Friedrich (1897 – 1967).
Awarded in 1967 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Austrian chemist, head of II. Department of Chemistry at the University of Vienna.

Wielandt, Helmut (1910 – 2001).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 17 Mathematics.
Mathematician with a focus on group theory, visiting professor at JGU 1949 — 1951; Wielandt was a member of the NSDAP and the SA.

Wiese und Kaiserswaldau, Leopold von (1876 – 1969).
Awarded in 1951 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Sociologist and economist, chairman of the German Sociological Society 1946 – 1955, visiting professor at JGU.

Willimczik, Klaus (born 1940).
Awarded in 1999 by Faculty 26 Pharmacy.
Sports scientist and track and field athlete, contributions to the scientific theory of sports science.

Winnacker, Karl (1903 – 1989).
Awarded in 1961 by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Manager, CEO of Hoechst AG 1952 — 1969; Winnacker was a member of the NSDAP and the SA; until 1945 he was head of the chemical division of Farbwerke Höchst and was jointly responsible for employing forced laborers and delivering drugs for drug trials to concentration camp prisoners; after 1945, as CEO of Höchst-AG in Nuremberg, he brought convicted managers and former SS members back to the company.

Winschuh, Joseph (1897 – 1970).
Awarded in 1957 by the Faculty of Law and Economics.
Business journalist, entrepreneur and politician, co-founder of the “Working Group of Self-Employers” in Wiesbaden.

Wißmann, Erwin (1895 – 1967).
Awarded in 1957 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, member of the church leadership of the Evangelical Church in Hesse-Nassau 1947 – 1964.

Wojtyła, Karol (1920 – 2005).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 01 Catholic Theology.
Catholic theologian, bishop of Krakow, Pope John Paul II. 1978 – 2005.

Wolff, Johannes (1901 – 1961).
Awarded in 1959 by the Faculty of Protestant Theology.
Protestant theologian, lecturer in practical theology at the Berlin Church founded by the Confessing Church.

Zeller, Bernhard (1919 – 2008).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 13 Philology I.
Literary historian and archivist, director of the Schiller National Museum and the German Literature Archive in Marbach 1954 – 1985.

Ziedses des Plantes, Bernard George (1902 – 1993).
Awarded in 1977 by Faculty 07 Clinical Institutes.
Dutch physician and radiologist, inventor of planigraphy.

Zoll, Andrzej (born1942).
Awarded in 1996 by Faculty 03 Law and Economics.
Polish lawyer, President of the Polish Constitutional Court 1989-1997, visiting professor at JGU 1992.

Zöllner, Jürgen (born 1945).
Awarded in 2009 by Faculty 04 University Medicine.
Physician and politician, President of JGU 1991, then Minister of Education and Science in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Zülch, Klaus-Joachim (1910 – 1988).
Awarded in 1980 by Faculty 04 Medicine.
Neuroscientist and brain researcher, director of the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research 1959 – 1978; Zülch was a member of the NSDAP and the SA.

Bardeleben, Renate von (born 1940).

Awarded 2016.

American Studies, Vice President of JGU 1995 – 1998).

Boden, Wilhelm (1890 − 1961).

Awarded 1947.

Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate 1946 - 1947, honorary doctorate from JGU 1960.

Boehringer, Albert (1891 − 1960).

Awarded 1951.

Member of the management board of Boehringer Ingelheim.

Eckert, Christian (1874 − 1952).

Awarded 1949.

First rector of the University of Cologne 1919 - 1920, mayor of the city of Worms 1946 - 1949, co-founder of the JGU.

Falter, Jürgen W. (born 1944).

Awarded 2016.

Professor of political science at JGU, co-founder of the Gutenberg Research College (GFK).

Guérin, Henry (1902 − unknown).

Awarded 1949.

Governor of Rheinhessen 1948.

Hansen, Kurt (1910 − 2002).

Awarded 1964.

Chairman of the Board of Bayer AG 1961 − 1974.

Kalkhof-Rose, Walter (1910 − 1988).

Awarded 1961.

Chemist and entrepreneur, supporter of JGU.

Kohl-Weigand, Franz Josef (1900 - 1972).

Awarded 1965.

Entrepreneur, art collector and patron.

Konder, Peter Paul (1928 – 2006).

Awarded 1996.

Mathematician, promoter of JGU's relations with Colombia.

Mathy, Helmut (1934 − 2008).

Awarded 1987.

Historian and ministerial councilor, honorary professor at JGU.

Matuschka-Greiffenclau, Count Klara von (1870 − 1959).

Awarded 1950.

Scientific achievements in the development of archive material at Vollrads Castle.

Peffekoven, Rolf (1938 – 2019).

Awarded 2016.

Financial scientist, member of the JGU budget committee, the university council and the board of trustees of the Mainz University Fund Foundation.

Schneider, Peter (1920 − 2002).

Awarded 1985.

Legal scholar, last rector and first president of JGU.

Schott, Erich (1891 − 1989).

Awarded 1961.

Founder of Schott-Glaswerke Mainz, honorary doctorate from JGU in 1953.

Steffan, Jakob (1888 − 1957).

Awarded 1947.

Minister of the Interior and Social Affairs of Rhineland-Palatinate 1946 − 1950.

Stein, Franz (1900 − 1967).

Awarded 1956.

Mayor of the city of Mainz from 1949 to 1965.

Steinlein, Wilhelm (1901 − 1974).

Awarded 1967.

State Secretary in the Ministry of Economics and Transport Rhineland-Palatinate 1948 - 1958, Chairman of the Board of the Landesbank Rhineland-Palatinate 1958 - 1969.

Stohr, Albert (1890 − 1961).

Awarded 1960.

Bishop of Mainz 1935 − 1961, honorary doctorate from JGU 1947.

Strecker, Ludwig (1883 − 1978).

Awarded 1973.

Head of the music publishing house B. Schott’s Söhne, honorary citizen of JGU in 1952.

Trepp, Leo (1913 − 2010).

Awarded 1996.

Rabbi, honorary professor at JGU.

Wurster, Carl (1900 − 1974).

Awarded 1956.

Chemist, CEO of BASF AG.

Zerbe, Rainer (born 1952).

Awarded 2016.

Long-standing member of the JGU Faculty Council and Senate.

Ziegler, Josef Georg (1918 − 2006).

Awarded 1996.

Moral theologian, professor at JGU 1961 – 1983, promoter of JGU's relations with Poland.

Adam, Klaus G. (born 1941).

Awarded 2011.

Member of the board of trustees and former chairman of the Association of Friends of the University of Mainz. V., honorary doctorate from JGU 2001.

Arnsperger, Leopold (1906 − 1975).

Awarded 1956.

Chairman of the Board of Knoll AG.

Barner, Andreas (born 1953).

Awarded 2019.

Professor, Chairman of the Management Board of Boehringer Ingelheim 2009 – 2016, Chairman of the University Council, Honorary Doctorate from JGU 2009.

Berndt, Heinz (1898 − 1977).

Awarded 1958.

Director of the Friedrichshütte in Herdorf in the Altenkirchen district.

Bischoff, Friedrich (1896 − 1976).

Awarded 1956.

Director of Südwestfunk.

Boehringer, Otto (unknown).

Awarded 1996.

Honorary Chairman of the Board of the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, sponsor of JGU.

Dombrowski, Erich (1882 − 1972).

Awarded 1952.

Co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz, honorary doctorate from JGU in 1957.

Eltz, Jakob Graf zu (1921 − 2006).

Awarded 1984.

Lecturer in wine law and wine business at JGU.

Feuillée, Pierre (1932 – 2020).

Awarded 1977.

President of the University of Dijon 1978 − 1983.

François-Poncet, André (1887 − 1978).

Awarded 1977.

French politician, High Commissioner in Germany 1949 – 1955.

Friderichs, Hans (born 1931).

Awarded 2005.

Federal Minister a. D., former Chairman of the university council and the university board of trustees.

Fuchs, Jockel (1919 − 2002).

Awarded 1977.

Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Mainz 1965 − 1987.

Glaser, Karl (1903 – 1988).

Awarded 1964.

Director of the Weingarten machine factory.

Grdenić, Drago (1919 – 2018).

Awarded 1977.

Rector of the University of Zagreb 1976 - 1979.

Hopff, Heinrich (1896 − 1977).

Awarded 1961.

Chemist at BASF AG, professor at JGU 1952 − 1967.

Hüsch, Hanns Dieter (1925 − 2005).

Awarded 1977.

Cabaret artist and writer, student at JGU from 1946 – 1950.

Hüthig, Alfred (1900 − 1996).

Awarded 1965.

Founder of Hüthig Verlag.

Kleinmann, Louis Théodore (1907 − 1979).

Awarded 1961.

City commander of Mainz 1945 - 1946, co-founder of the JGU.

Klenk, Hans (1906 − 1983).

Awarded 1964.

Founder of Hakle, sponsor of the university.

Lehlbach, Julius (1922 − 2001).

Awarded 1977.

MdL and DGB chairman of Rhineland-Palatinate 1965 − 1986.

Lehmann, Karl (1936 − 2018).

Awarded 2006.

Bishop of Mainz and cardinal, professor at JGU 1968 – 1971.

Liebrecht, Julius (1891 – 1974).

Awarded 1957.

Member of the management board of Boehringer Ingelheim.

Löhr, Otto (1890 − 1969).

Awarded 1962.

Director of the Kaiserslautern Pedagogical Academy.

Marx, Ernst (1899 – 1996).

Awarded 1990.

Doctors, cancer researchers.

Neuse, Werner (1899 − 1986).

Awarded 1961.

Germanist, Begründer der Mainzer Graduate School of German des Middlebury Colleges.

Oppenheim, Michel (1885 − 1963).

Awarded 1951.

Head of the cultural department of the city of Mainz, co-founder of the Friends of the University of Mainz association. V. and honorary doctorate from JGU in 1955.

Paris, Roger (unknown).

Awarded 1989.

President of the University of Dijon 1983 − 1988.

Pérard, Jocelyne (born 1940).

Awarded 1996.

President of the University of Dijon 1993 - 1998.

Preetorius, Emil (1883 − 1973).

Awarded 1954.

Illustrator, President of the Academy of Fine Arts Munich 1948 – 1968, honorary doctorate from JGU.

Pressler, Menahem (1923 – 2023).

Awarded 1994.

Pianist, founder of the Beaux Arts Trio.

Robison, Olin C. (1936 – 2018).

Awarded 1977.

President of Middlebury College Vermont 1975 - 1990.

Roeder, Emy (1890 − 1971).

Awarded 1962.


Rückert, Georg (1901 − 1990).

Awarded 1977.

District President of Rheinhessen 1947 − 1966.

Salmuth, Curt Freiherr von (1895 − 1981).

Awarded 1955.

Industrialist, honorary doctorate from JGU in 1957.

Sammet, Diether (unknown).

Awarded 2001.

Former. Technical director of ESWE.

Sartorius, Otto (1892 – 1977).

Awarded 1957.

Winemaker and oenologist.

Schäck, Ernst (1908 − 1998).

Awarded 1977.


Schild, Erling Ozer (1930 − 2006).

Awarded 1983.

President of the University of Haifa 1990 - 1993.

Seghers, Anna (1900 − 1983).

Awarded 1977.


Senarclens-Grancy, Alexander Freiherr von (1880 − 1964).

Awarded 1956.

German officer and diplomat.

Strecker, Ludwig (1883 − 1978).

Awarded 1952.

Head of the music publishing house B. Schott's Söhne, honorary senator of the JGU in 1973.

Strobel, Lothar (1928 – 2020).

Awarded 1977.

Lawyer and general representative of the board of directors of Blendax-Werke.

Süsterhenn, Adolf (1905 − 1974).

Awarded 1952.

Member of the Bundestag, Minister in Rhineland-Palatinate, President of the Higher Regional Court and Chairman of the Constitutional Court in Koblenz.

Vater, Wulf (1917 − 2007).

Awarded 1999.

Pharmacologist, founder of the Wulf-Vater Foundation at JGU.

Vaudiaux, Jacques (1934 – 2022).

Awarded 1982.

President of the University of Dijon 1978 − 1983.

Wagner, Siegfried (1912 – 2002).

Awarded 1977.

President of the Judicial Examination Office, JGU University Judge.

Willersinn, Herbert (1926 – 1995).

Awarded 1977.

Board member of BASF AG.

Zuckmayer, Carl (1896 − 1977).

Awarded 1976.



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Dr. Christian George
Dr. Christian George