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Universitätsbibliothek Mainz

Translation Studies


The most important databases:

BITRA: Bibliografía de Interpretacíon y Tradducción, International Translation Studies Database

Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB), Annotated bibliography on translation studies

More databases:

MLA International Bibliography

Web of Science (Core Collection)


Infoterm collection:
The collection contains basic theoretical works on the subject of terminology (1001 titles), mostly from the years 1970-2000.
It dates back to the founder of terminology science, Eugen Wüster (1898-1977). Between 1971 and 1998, it was systematically expanded by Infoterm, the Information Center for Terminology. The collection (except for important parts for the Wüster Archive in Vienna) was then transferred to TH Köln and managed by its Institute for Information Management until 2017. Since the departure of Prof. Klaus Schmitz, head of the institute, the BB TSK has housed the part of the collection relating to the development of terminology science, including many Russian rarities. The collection is therefore still a “treasure trove for studies on the theoretical foundations of terminology science” (Dr. Christian Galinski, Director of Infoterm).

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