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Universitätsbibliothek Mainz

Collections of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

They support research and teaching. And they help science to be understood: The scientific collections of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU).

Million year-old fossils, German Romantic manuscripts, samples of plant seeds, medical instruments, pottery finds from the 1st century AD, replicas of prehistoric human skulls, mathematical models, casts of ancient Egyptian sculptures, hymnals from the 17th century … The many thousands of objects in the collections at JGU cover a fascinating spectrum from the natural sciences, humanities, and medicine.

Approximately 30 collections are located in various faculties, in the University Archives, and in the University Library. They are used regularly in research projects and in current teaching across disciplines. The task of collection coordination at Mainz University Library is to coordinate the collection work.

As different as the collections may be: they all have a crucial role to play in communicating scientific thinking and working in a clear and comprehensible manner—even beyond the university. Acting as an exciting link between the public and the university, they contribute to the strengthening of ties between the university and urban society.

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Dr. Lisa Marie Roemer
Dr. Lisa Marie Roemer
Coordinator of JGU Collections
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